Upload Tips
Use these upload and recording tips to help you improve the quality of your recordings in pre and post production.
Speaker tracks
If you can, upload a separate mono track for each speaker to better isolate their voice during processing. This will yield the best results.
Original files
Every time you switch between compressed audio formats, your recording loses quality. Because of this, we recommend uploading your recording in its original file format.
Customize settings
Be sure to select the cleaning settings that best fit each track you upload to ensure you get optimal cleanup on processed files. When in doubt, keep your settings on low.
Voice-only recordings
The Podsworth app is meant for speech recordings only. If you upload a file with music, our app will detect that as background noise and remove all or most of it during processing.
Accepted formats
We accept speech recordings in WAV, MP3, and M4A formats as mono or stereo versions.
10 Mbps upload speed
A minimum of 10 Mbps upload speed is recommended while uploading. Speeds below this may result in lag or buffering when trying to place an order.